The Week Ahead (14-19 November)

In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real.


14 November 2016

Michael Clements, the Environmental Rights Programme is in Geneva attending the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. Micheal will be speaking on the impact of unregulated mine closure on mining communities in South Africa, using the Blyvooruitzicht case-study. Highlights of this presentation will be shared on our Twitter handle: @LHR_SA   and our Facebook Page: Lawyers for Human rights.


Our Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme (RMRP) in Musina is part of an event discussing Social Cohesion, Drug Abuse, Children's Rights, and SGBV Awareness Campaign at Beitbridge Primary School.  This event has reached more than 200 children.


15 November 2016

The Gender and Equality Programme (GEP) as member of the national steering committee of the Shukumisa Campaign, will be attending to discuss advocacy priorities as well as plans for 2017.

The Shukumisa Campaign was launched in 2008 by members of the National Working Group on Sexual Offences (NWGSO). The NWGSO was originally formed in 2004 to advocate around the proposed Sexual Offences Bill. When the Criminal Law [Sexual Offences and Related Matters] Amendment Act no. 32 of 2007 (Sexual Offences Act) was passed in late 2007, the NWGSO turned its focus to the implementation of the Sexual Offences Act and reformulated itself as the Shukumisa Campaign.


If you need more information on the campaign you can visit their website:


17 November 2016

The statelessness project will be presenting to the Child and Youth Care Centres provincial forum for the Department of Social Development in Langlaagte, specifically discussing “documenting unaccompanied children”. Highlights of this presentation will be shared on our Twitter handle: @LHR_SA   and our Facebook Page: Lawyers for Human rights.


Our national director, Jacob Van Garderen will be in Geneva attending the 7th Annual Geneva Forum of Judges and Lawyers, which will bring togehter judges, lawyers, and refugee and migration experts from around the world, as well as relevant UN agencies in Geneva to discuss the role of judges and lawyers in situations of large-scale movement of refugees and migrants.